Welcome to Journey With Mpho! Mpho is a South African podcaster currently based in Hawaii, USA. She is a certified White Light and Karuna Reiki practitioner who utilizes this certification to embody spiritual alchemy in her work as a conscious content creator and ancestral wisdom carrier. As a cultural bridge between Africa and North America, she utilizes this show as a means to connect the two worlds she lives in. She considers herself a passioned mental health advocate hence, this podcast show is dedicated to inspiring people to discover and embrace their authentic selves. Episodes are released every other Sunday.

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
The Diary of a Spiritualist with Martinah
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
This episodes features, Martinah - an intuitive jewelry business owner, passionate preschool teacher and aspiring "crazy cat lady." Mpho and Martinah attended the same high school and recently reconnected.
This conversation details:
- The importance of intentionally creating conscious digital content.
- Martinah's transition into awakening, self-healing and self-awareness.
- The beauty and ease of life when we practice releasing our desire for control.
- Recommended rituals for New Moon and Full Moon cycles.
You can connect with Martinah via Instagram @na.h.um_ and support her creations by placing custom piece orders @nahumuntitled
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Medicine Woman
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
In this episode Mpho shares how she has finally answered the call to offer her gifts in a manner that is supportive of your life purpose and spiritual journey. At twenty-six minutes mark into the episode, you are encouraged to join Mpho on a short meditation.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Wellness Reflection with Thola Bennie
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
This episode features friend of the podcast, Thola Bennie - a South African founder and host of the podcast show Phoenix rising - finding your life calling with Thola Bennie. This superwoman is also a life coach, motivational speaker, author, freelance blogger and social media content creator.
In this episode Mpho and Thola reflect on:
- The impact of the pandemic on their personal lives as well as communities.
- The loss of indigenous knowledge, cultural practices and beliefs as a result of covid's impact on the elderly population.
- The state of the mental health of black South African men.
- Navigating the fine line between resisting the urge to mother the men in their lives and creating a safe space for men to be vulnerable.
You can tune in to Thola's podcast show on Apple Music or wherever you stream your favorite podcast shows. Feel free to connect with Thola via Instagram @phoenix_rising00
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Bodily Presence
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
In this episode, Mpho reflects on the beauty of being continuously present within one's body - shifting from avoidance behaviours to intentionally releasing unpleasant experiences while welcoming pleasant experiences.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
The Millennial Perspective (Careers)
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
In part three of our conversation with Mpho's friends, Jessica and Naledi, we explore careers with focus on mental health, a cost benefit analysis of tertiary education, the corporate ladder climb and being an entrepreneur. Our conversation details:
- The experience of being an entrepreneur while battling mental health challenges.
- A discussion regarding steps small and large businesses can take to support (protect) the mental health of their employees.
- A reflection on what we studied in tertiary, the cost of getting an education and how these aspects impacted our careers.
- Naledi's experience with being a stifled employee versus being a successful entrepreneur.
- Jessica's advice on climbing the corporate ladder.
Naledi would love to connect with you via Instagram @naledi_seabi and you can place an order from her clothing business by visiting @by_strokes
Jessica would also love to connect with you via Instagram @jessknight07
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
The Millennial Perspective (Relationships)
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
In part two of our conversation with Mpho's friends, Jessica and Naledi, we explore all things relationships with a focus on dating, marriage and children. Our conversation details:
- Whether or not we believe in love at first sight and happily ever after.
- The state of the dating scene and where someone can potentially meet the one.
- The societal and biological pressure to complete the life checklist (go to school, graduate university, get married and have children).
- Being a feminist without the desire to work.
- Actions that we deem to be red flags within a romantic relationship.
You can connect with Naledi (@naledi_seabi) and Jessica (@jessknight07) via Instagram.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
The Millennial Perspective (Mental Health)
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
This episode features two of Mpho's longtime friends, Jessica Knight and Naledi Seabi. Our conversation with them details:
- Experiences with mental health challenges and illnesses.
- The positive and not-so positive impacts of social media on mental health.
- The importance of destigmatizing mental health challenges.
- Successful strategies in approaching and deepening conversations regarding mental health with family members and friends.
You can connect with Jessica (@jessknight07) and Naledi (@naledi_seabi) via Instagram.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Self-care = Recommitting to Self
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Tis' the season for new year's resolutions. Do you have them? Are you over them? What is the new thing to do in replacement of resolutions?
Tune in to this episode and be inspired by how Mpho is approaching the new year. This year we are exploring behaviors that we would like to cultivate as a means to take care of ourselves and recommit to our reason for being.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Relentless Positivity
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
You are cordially invited to join Mpho as she reflects on how a combination of relentless positivity and gratitude helped her navigate the challenges she faced this year. This episode features a Tibetan and Crystal singing bowl.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmph@journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Mood Uplifter
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
You are cordially invited to join me as I navigate complex emotions
resulting from a difficult day, process my journey with therapy and
balance the root chakra using a crystal singing bowl.
Explore all our latest Patreon offerings by visiting https://www.patreon.com/journeywithmpho
You are welcome to provide us with immediate feedback by completing this SUPER short survey here:
We would love to continue our journey with you on social media so don't be shy to connect with us!
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Send your passioned love letters to journeywithmpho@gmail.com