Welcome to Journey With Mpho! Mpho is a South African podcaster currently based in Hawaii, USA. She is a certified White Light and Karuna Reiki practitioner who utilizes this certification to embody spiritual alchemy in her work as a conscious content creator and ancestral wisdom carrier. As a cultural bridge between Africa and North America, she utilizes this show as a means to connect the two worlds she lives in. She considers herself a passioned mental health advocate hence, this podcast show is dedicated to inspiring people to discover and embrace their authentic selves. Episodes are released every other Sunday.
Sunday May 24, 2020
The Life Kimberly Lola
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Kimberly Lola is a Hawaii-based multi-talented artist (singer, songwriter, photographer, print and runway model). Throughout this episode, Mpho utilizes thought provoking questions to explore the various facets of Lola's professional and personal life.
Lola is the photographer who shot the image we use as our show cover art hence, it made perfect sense that as we approach our one year anniversary, we celebrate with her. Tune in to get modeling and vegan tips, advice on how to make your photography business stand out and hear music by Lola.
To connect and collaborate with Kimberly Lola, explore the following links.
You made it to the end 😉 so please don't forget to follow us on Instagram @journeywithmpho and to explore one of the many ways you can support our journey click here
Sunday May 10, 2020
Generational Trauma and Sex
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Mpho has been in communion with her guides and this episode is a journaling of the perspectives gained from time well-spent.
How does generational trauma relate to sex? Well, if we told you here then it would defeat the purpose of listening to the episode so jump right in!
Here the link to the article Mpho references Can We Really Inherit Trauma?
And lastly, you have come this far so you might as well explore these links...
Let's Become Real Friends & Family
Okay, seriously. . this is the last bit. . .
If you are tuning in through the Apple Podcasts app, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW the show.
We love you 😊
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Birthday Swirl Bonus
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Happy Birthday to Mpho!
To celebrate, Mpho invited her husband (Michael) onto the show for an open discussion regarding their diversified marriage - love crossing borders and race.
To enthrall you, Mpho and Michael invited family and friends to send them questions they would like for them to answer. These questions hold the purpose to share their journey with you and hopefully assist couples who are in diversified relationships. It also goes without saying that some of these questions are things they wish they had talked about before they got married.
We are on social media so don't be shy to connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Self-Isolation Diary
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Hello Friends and Family,
This is a health check-in episode. You are on our minds and we have been sending positive vibrations to uplift your spirit during these trying times.
We have made the conscious decision to disconnect from the negativity and continue to focus on tuning in to a higher and healthier frequency. Hence, none of our episodes place major focus on the what has been going on. Our intention is to continue to be and engage our best selves.
We would love to regularly connect with you so please join our family connection base (See bottom of page) and while you are on the website explore the African Journey Store
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to the show and write a REVIEW :)
Throughout the episode, Mpho makes mention of some activities and resources that have helped her during this time. Here are the links.
Releasing Fear By Abraham Hicks
Exercise Videos:
The Challenge of The Mind By Ryuho Okawa
The Miracle of Meditation By Ryuho Okawa
We are on social media so don't be shy to connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Soulful Intentions With Jon Mick (Part 2)
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
This episode shines the spotlight on Jon’s artistry. His biography made mention of writing music to touch the hearts of troubled minds so we decided to let him serenade our hearts.
To connect and collaborate with Jon view his social account on SoundCloud and Instagram @jonm1ck
We are on social media so don't be shy to connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Soulful Intentions With Jon Mick (Part 1)
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Mental health and illnesses are topics often seen on the covers of women's magazines and social media timelines. This is despite statistics proving that seventy-five percent of people who die by suicide are male
Hence, we invited Jon Mick to share his perspective on mental health. Jon is a singer/songwriter who is currently completing his Master's Degree in Social work and intends on becoming a mental health clinician. For those of us who are on the journey to healing our mental mind, learning how to navigate romantic/social relationships, therapists and treatment options can sometimes feel challenging.
Tune in to discover what we always tell you - YOU ARE NOT ALONE :) enjoy and we love you!
Helpful Resources:
Sound Healing With SuperNova Sarah
Connect and collaborate with Jon Mick via Instagram @jonm1ck
We are on social media so don't be shy to connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Words From My Heart
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Our primary intention has always been to cultivate and share a positive space with and for you - family and friends alike. This episode is dedicated to the sole purpose of giving you a chance to breathe, connect within and use the this time to rejuvenate.
At the rate that negative news has been spreading and fear-mongering tactics employed, Mpho made the decision to temporarily discontinue our involvement on social media platforms for 50 days. This social media cleanse will end on 7 May 2020. Please note, we will continue to regularly interview friends and release episodes.
We also believe that our social media disconnection will allow us to continue to cultivate and share a positive space with and for you. Remember, you cannot give from an empty cup.
To shop for Mpho's favorite African items, kindly visit https://www.journeywithmpho.com/africanjourneystore
When we are back on social media, connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Poetry Nights In Hawaii
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
What happens when you put a collective of poets in a room? This episode is our answer. We wanted to share the heart and spirit of the Hawaii poetry community with the world.
Connect and collaborate with the featured poets via Instagram
1. Zarqui: @zfrombaltimore
2. Travis: @travistrapperkeepert
3. Natasha T Miller: @natashatmiller
4. Destiny: @inevitablepoet
5. Mpho: @journeywithmpho
6. Liam: @skillingliam
7. Kamele: @mele_wai
8. Lox: @l.o.xloveonxray
Connect with the show via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
A Letter to the Black Man - Anthony Harris
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
In this episode we had the pleasure of journeying with Anthony Harris - Texas raised, self-published author, poet, father of three and military service member.
Tune in to experience Anthony open-heartedly speak about the journey of being raised by a single mother, having a turbulent relationship with his father and how becoming a motivational speaker helped him discover his purpose.
To purchase Anthony's book:
Connect and collaborate with Anthony on Instagram @chico_suave15
We are on social media so come play with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.
Friday Feb 14, 2020
To The Moon And Back
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Here is a little Valentine's Day gift from us to you. We hope you celebrate this day by loving yourself, your loved ones and performing random acts of kindness.
The quiz featured on the show can be accessed by browsing Funny Questions For Couples To Shake Off A Bad Day
We are on social media so don't be shy to connect with us via:
Instagram: @journeywithmpho
Twitter: @journeywithmpho
Website: www.journeywithmpho.com
Provide feedback by emailing journeywithmpho@gmail.com
And if you are interested in becoming a member of our Patreon family click here to explore available opportunities.